RESOLVED, 1st. That the events of the past two years have only confirmed the conviction expressed by this Convention at its last session, that the war which has been forced upon us is, on our part, just and necessary, and have only strengthened our opposition to a reunion with the United States on any terms whatever; and while deploring the dreadful evils of the war, and earnestly desiring peace, we have no thought of ever yielding, but will render a hearty support to the Confederate Government in all constitutional measures to secure our independence.
RESOLVED, 2d. That we gratefully acknowledge the hand of God in the preservation of our government against the power and rage of our enemies, and in the signal victories with which he has crowned our arms; and encouraged by the experience of the past, and by the present condition of affairs, and humbly relying on the Divine blessing, we confidently anticipate ultimate success.
RESOLVED, 3d. That while we justify ourselves in this conflict with our enemies, we acknowledge that our sins have deserved the terrible calamities that God has sent upon us, and view them as a solemn and imperative call to penitence, humiliation and a hearty turning to God.
RESOLVED, 4th. That the religious destitution of our armies is a cause of deep solicitude, and calls for renewed, vigorous and liberal efforts that it may be supplied.
RESOLVED, 5th. That the privations of those reduced to poverty by the war, and especially the wants of the families of our soldiers, demand our sympathies, our kind attentions, and our generous contributions.
RESOLVED, 6th. That the serious interruption of education, and the growing neglect of domestic discipline which the war has caused, are evils of the greatest magnitude, and we earnestly urge upon our brethren and fellow-citizens to keep their children steadily at school, and to give diligent attention to their moral and religious training.
RESOLVED, 7th. That we have just heard with unutterable grief, of the death of that noble Christian warrior, Lieut. Ga. T. J. Jackson; that we thank God for the good he has achieved, and the glorious example he has left us, and pray that we may all learn to trust, as he trusted, in the Lord alone.