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Resolution On Peace And Justice For All Men

WHEREAS, All Christians, including Southern Baptists, should consistently oppose inhumanity, injustice, and war, and

WHEREAS, Our nation is currently embroiled in a tragic conflict in Vietnam which has already caused untold misery and death in Asia, America, and other parts of the world;

Therefore, be it hereby RESOLVED, That we as messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in New Orleans, June 13, 1969, pledge our prayerful concern for all who give their service and lives in the pursuit of peace and justice for all men everywhere; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we covenant ourselves to express concern and compassion for the families and friends of all called upon to serve in the service of our country; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That this Convention express to the United States Secretary of Defense, Melvin Laird, and his colleagues in our Government our hearty support of his recent appeals to the Hanoi Government to grant basic legal and humanitarian rights to American prisoners of war, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we urge our President and other responsible diplomatic leaders to pursue every possible effort to secure an equitable settlement of the Vietnam conflict as soon as humanly possible; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we pledge ourselves as Southern Baptists to recommit our every resource to the unceasing propagation of the principles embodied in the Person and teachings of Jesus Christ as the only permanent solution to the eternal problems of world peace and ultimate human freedom.