3. That we will not cease our efforts for law and order until all human rights shall be respected and human liberties safeguarded under the orderly processes of justice administered by constituted authority.
7. That we pledge anew our devotion to the cause of International Good Will and World Peace and that we urge upon our pastors and people the obligations of their stewardship, both as the advocates and as the exemplars of the spirit of peace and good will toward all men.
8. That we again declare our unwavering belief that the United States Senate ought to ratify without further delay the protocal of the International Court of Justice, commonly known as the World Court, so that our government may have official representation on that Court and may contribute directly and efficially to the maintenance and promotion of World Peace. This has been recommended repeatedly by several Presidents, has been concurred in by each of the major political parties, and is demanded we believe by a great majority of the American people. We can see no sound reason for continued delay by the Senate and we urge prompt action.