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Resolution On Peace

WHEREAS, Peaceful relationships between the nations are desirable; and

WHEREAS, Many nations are being invaded by ideological subversiveness, political infiltration, and military aggression; and

WHEREAS, Our national government in its strength has made commitments to defend the right of self-determination by the people of many smaller countries; and,

WHEREAS, There appears within conscientious men a need to reconcile the Christian’s pursuit of peace with the patriot’s prosecution of defensive war;

Therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in annual session on June 2, 1967, in Miami Beach, Florida; that,

First, we encourage a search of Scriptures for principles which set forth one’s responsibilities both to God and to country; and, that,

Secondly, we assure our duly elected leaders in government that we support them in developing strong and wise policies, in pursuing a just peace in Vietnam, and in helping to maintain order in the world; and, that,

Third, we uphold in prayer men who are engaged in restrictive measures against destructive forces of invasion so that law and order may obtain.