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Resolution On New Orleans Hospital Integration

WHEREAS, It is the stated policy of Southern Baptist Hospital in New Orleans “to make available the services of the hospital to all people regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, or ability to pay, in such ways as to preserve human dignity and worth.”

Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That this 1969 session of the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in New Orleans on June 13, 1969, request the Hospital Commission trustees to pursue this matter without delay in order to bring actual practice in line with stated policy.


WHEREAS, The Southern Baptist Convention has consistently adopted statements on concern for a Christian posture toward people of all races, and

WHEREAS, Many Southern Baptist individuals and agencies have repeatedly expressed verbally and in concrete actions their concern for the betterment of the total well being of all men; and

WHEREAS, Our Convention adopted “A Statement Concerning the Crisis in Our Nation” in its annual session in 1968; and

WHEREAS, The Home Mission Board has given prophetic leadership in seeking to implement the principles of “A Statement Concerning the Crisis in Our Nation”; and

WHEREAS, Many Southern Baptist laymen, pastors, and denominational leaders have consistently solicited support for governmental and social service agencies which seek to minister to the physical, material, and emotional needs of needy people of all races; and

WHEREAS, Militant leaders of some races have made widely publicized demands for racial “reparations” upon religious bodies of our nation;

Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That we as messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention in New Orleans on June 13, 1969, reaffirm our commitment to the principles embodied in the Southern Baptist Convention’s “A Statement Concerning the Crisis in Our Nation” in 1968; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we encourage the Home Mission Board and other Southern Baptist agencies to give prayerful urgency to continuing implementation of the suggestions made in “A Statement Concerning the Crisis in Our Nation”; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we urge individuals, churches, and institutions to continue to work for the fullest possible freedom and fulfillment of aspirations for human dignity and personal worth for all people; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we express appreciation for those persons and agencies which have made courageous efforts to work for racial justice and human betterment in difficult areas; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we reject in total the demands, principles, and methods espoused by the National Black Economic Development Council which has made outrageous claims against religious bodies in our nation, proclaiming our disapproval of the intimidation, threats, and ultimatums propagated by leaders of this movement; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we instruct all Southern Baptist Convention agencies to channel available funds through already established channels of Convention agencies and institutions in keeping with program assignments for interracial and social service activities; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we call upon all citizens of whatever race, creed, or national origin to work for racial justice, economic improvement, political emancipation, educational advancement, and Christian understanding among all peoples of the nation and the world.