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Resolution On Missions

RESOLVED, That this Convention would regard with approbation, and with pleasure, the establishment at our several missionary stations of pious and intelligent merchants, who, while they might pursue their respective occupations on their own responsibility, would, by their presence, example, and counsel, afford essential encouragement to the missionaries.

RESOLVED, 1st, That the interests of this Convention require the existence of some periodicals devoted to the diffusion of intelligence respecting Foreign and Domestic Mission operations.

2nd. That the Missionary Journal published in this city, promises to be such a publication as is needed for the Foreign Mission department, and is therefore recommended by this body to the Foreign Mission Board as their organ for the purposes above mentioned.

3rd. That should the Domestic Mission Board deem it proper, they be authorized to publish a monthly periodical for the purpose of diffusing information on its operations.

RESOLVED, That the opening of new settlements, and the admission of new States, in the Southwest, and the mighty tide which is filling them up with an emigrant population, should be regarded with solumn interest, as augmenting the responsibilities of the Southern churches.

RESOLVED, That the condition and circumstances of such a population, render them peculiarly susceptible of deep moral impressions; and that it is highly important that the first impressions, which are strongest and most lasting, should be made by a holy, zealous and intelligent ministry.