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Resolution On Law And Order

WHEREAS, This Convention, at Chattanooga in 1906, adopted strong and emphatic resolutions deploring the prevalence of crime in our land and earnestly appealing for reforms and a better enforcement of the criminal law; and

WHEREAS, Said resolutions, tested by time and experience, were and are right in every way and are in keeping with utterances in subsequent messages of President Taft, as well as action by the national Congress, by some of the State Legislatures, and by very many thoughtful and influential bodies, secular and religious; and,

WHEREAS, The principles enunciated have grown in favor with our denomination and a just public opinion everywhere; therefore,

RESOLVED, That this Convention again sets its face with renewed hope and confidence in favor of civic righteousness and law enforcement and the resolutions adopted by it at Chattanooga in 1906 are reaffirmed and the recommendations therein are with added emphasis set before the press and pulpit and before the membership of all the churches within the bounds of this Convention.