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Resolution On Law And Order

WHEREAS, A breakdown in law and order is a weapon being used by some to destroy our form of government in the United States, with the success of these nefarious efforts being evident in many areas of our country, and

WHEREAS, A renewed emphasis needs to be placed on law observance and impartial enforcement of law, and

WHEREAS, Law Day USA was established by Presidential proclamation in 1958 and is now observed annually, and

WHEREAS, In joint resolution of the 87th Congress of the United States, the Senate and House of Representatives designated the first day of May annually as Law Day USA, and by Presidential proclamation the people of the nation are asked to observe such a day with suitable ceremonies in cooperation with the American Bar Association and 1500 state and local bar associations who have sponsored Law Day USA, and

WHEREAS, Christians believe in liberty through the orderly development and observance of proper laws, realizing that the cultivation of respect for law is vital to the democratic way of life,

Therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Southern Baptist Convention that it reaffirm its faith in the ideals of equality and justice under law, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we express alarm concerning the lack of respect for law and its enforcing officers which seemingly is being generated in many segments of our society, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we encourage all our churches and members to reflect upon the significant values which the rule of law has represented in American society since the founding of our beloved country 194 years ago, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we request cooperating churches to consider observing Law Day USA in their respective communities through biblical sermons and/or programs in their various organizations, emphasizing the value of law and order in an intelligent society, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That through appropriate agencies our churches be encouraged to promote the last Sunday in April annually as a prelude to Law Day USA, with supportive materials being prepared and made available to the churches and their members who desire such help.