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Resolution On Hunger

WHEREAS, The present magnitude of hunger and starvation is unequaled in human history,

WHEREAS, Those who suffer and struggle daily to stay alive are given immeasurable worth and dignity by God’s boundless love, and

WHEREAS, We now possess the resources and the agricultural technology to eliminate most of the hunger throughout the world, and

WHEREAS, Our nation with less than six percent of the world’s population consumes thirty-five percent of the world’s resources, and

WHEREAS, The God of biblical faith directs us to love and help hungry people everywhere, and

WHEREAS, Southern Baptists care deeply about the hungry and desire earnestly to obey God and to be his instruments in helping to alleviate the awful suffering of hunger,

Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That we call on Southern Baptists to participate in World Hunger Day activities on Sunday, October 10, 1982, or on some other special day of their choosing, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we commit ourselves as Southern Baptist Christians to demonstrate throughout the year a continuing concern for hungry people by supporting the Foreign Mission Board and the Home Mission Board in extending our ministries of mercy to the hungry abroad and at home, by involving ourselves in church actions to alleviate the suffering of hunger in our local communities, and by encouraging our elected representatives to place a high priority on the responsibility of using our nation’s God-given bounty to alleviate hunger both in the United States and abroad.