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Resolution On Giving To Mission Causes

WHEREAS, The Southern Baptist Convention has committed itself to Bold Mission Thrust challenging us to proclaim the gospel to every person in the world, and

WHEREAS, The Convention has requested its churches to double their Cooperative Program gifts, and

WHEREAS, The majority of the multitudes who had never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ reside on foreign fields, and

WHEREAS, Vast regions of our homeland are without a Southern Baptist witness, and

WHEREAS, Our churches will best be challenged to increase giving by the example of our Southern Baptist Convention’s budget reflecting sacrificial commitment to the Foreign and Home Mission Boards, setting an example for the state conventions to increase their percentage giving to world causes.

Therefore be it RESOLVED, That we, the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention, request the Executive Committee to call upon our seminaries, commissions, and agencies to enter into a sacrificial spirit to enable greater percentages of our budget to be allocated for foreign and home causes, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we challenge our state conventions to set an example of Bold Mission giving by establishing long range goals to give a minimum of 50% to mission causes outside each state, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That the churches of this Convention follow the example of sacrificial spirit exemplified by our Southern Baptist Convention and state conventions by increasing their percentage of gifts to the Cooperative Program, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That all of our churches be encouraged to give through the Cooperative Program on a percentage basis of undesignated gifts.