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Resolution On Freedom Of Religion

1. That the Southern Baptist Convention reaffirms its devotion to the basic American and New Testament doctrine of the absolute freedom of religion and the absolute separation of church and state.

2. That this principle always and everywhere forbids all government subsidies to religion and religious institutions and all governmental authority over or control of the free exercise of religion.

3. That we urge upon all our Baptist people and institutions the vital importance and necessity for their being alert and sensitive in such matters and refusing all governmental aid, however indirectly offered, and of resisting the bestowal of such aid upon any interest or institution of any and all other denominations.

4. That the Southern Baptist Convention again give its approval to the proposal to amend the Constitution of the United States so as to prohibit the appropriation of public funds to sectarian institutions by any unit of government.

5. That if and when such amendment shall be offered in Congress the Social Service Commission is hereby authorized to use its influence in every proper way to secure the adoption of such amendment.