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Resolution On Evangelistic Movement

WHEREAS, There is a rising tide of evangelism among Southern Baptists as evidenced by great movements in several states, widespread compassionate prayer, great citywide successful campaigns, the creation of the Department of Evangelism in several State Conventions, the revival of the Department of Evangelism of the Home Mission Board, the proposed resolution originating with the Executive Committee, the great spirit of revival in the pre-Convention sessions, the mighty missionary movement in the W.M.U. Convention, and the high note of evangelism sounded in the president’s keynote address, and with many other signs of the leading of the Holy Spirit looking toward a Southwide revival;


First–That we, the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention, definitely commit ourselves to put on, by the help of God, an extensive and intensive campaign of soul-winning during 1939 with intensive and organized effort to reach all the areas of the South, all of our churches, mission stations and communities, and, that we do now definitely devote ourselves and pledge ourselves to seek the favor of God and the enduring power of the Spirit to carry Christ and his gospel to the lost of the Southland.

Second–That an organization be set up in the Southern Baptist Convention to enlist all the state, associational, and church organizations, challenging the best there is in all of us to that end. And, that Dr. Roland Q. Leavell, Superintendent of Evangelism of the Home Mission Board, and the President-elect of the Convention, shall lead in the movement. And that we urge every agency of the Southern Baptist Convention to share in its promotion. And that we invite the cooperation of all state evangelists and state secretaries in the formulating of plans and policies to lay upon the hearts of all our people this great movement in order that it may be brought to a glorious consummation.

Third–And that we invite the cooperation of all our colored, Mexican, and other nationalities to join with us in the movement.

Fourth–That we invite all evangelical Christians to join us in prayer and earnest effort to win the people of the South to a wholeď·“hearted acceptance of Christ Jesus as Saviour and Lord.