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Resolution On Evangelism At The Southern Baptist Convention In Pittsburgh

WHEREAS, Southern Baptists are a people who believe in the bold proclamation of the gospel of Christ, and

WHEREAS, At least a million people who live in western Pennsylvania, the site of the 1983 Southern Baptist Convention meeting, are in spiritual darkness needing Christ, and

WHEREAS, The good people and leaders of the Baptist Association of Greater New Orleans have demonstrated that hundreds of Southern Baptist Convention messengers can participate in an effective evangelism thrust.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the messengers of the 1982 Southern Baptist Convention commit their prayers, support, and encouragement toward participation in another great bold mission and evangelism thrust in June, 1983, in the city of Pittsburgh and western Pennsylvania as planned by the Greater Pittsburgh Baptist Association, the Northwest Pennsylvania Baptist Association, the Conemaugh Valley Baptist Association, the Baptist Convention of Pennsylvania-South Jersey, and the Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention.