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Resolution On Evangelism And The Crusade Of The Americas

WHEREAS, The greatest need of the world is a spiritual awakening and a turning to God through Jesus Christ, and

WHEREAS, Baptists of this hemisphere are engaged in the greatest evangelistic enterprise in the history of Christianity, the Crusade of the Americas, and

WHEREAS, Our newly elected president, W. A. Criswell, has expressed his desire to lead the Convention into a tremendous evangelistic and missionary effort,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That we commend our denominational leaders, agencies, and workers and our churches, pastors, and people for their commitment to the cause of evangelism in general and the Crusade of the Americas in particular, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That we call our people to full dedication and united prayer that the Crusade of the Americas might result in a mighty spiritual revival sweeping this hemisphere and the world, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That we pledge our prayerful support to our new president and our other leaders as they seek to lead us in this unprecedented evangelistic undertaking.