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Resolution On Evangelism

In view of the very large increase of churches which find it difficult to secure pastors; and in view of the great demand for more and better trained men for the foreign mission field; and in view of the decline in interest in the great matter of prayer for more preachers of the gospel; and of a failure on the part of many to appreciate the place of the parent, the teacher, the pastor, the Sunday school, denominational paper and other agencies among the influences which God uses in calling men into the ministry; and in view of the imperative call for renewed interest in this great matter in order that the gospel may be preached to the ends of the earth.

RESOLVED, That the attention of all our people be called afresh to this need and that pastors especially be asked to present it from the pulpit, and editors to write editorials on the subject, and that in all wise and proper ways it be considered in the Sunday school and prayer meeting, and in academy and college.