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Resolution On Church Schools Of Missions

The Church School of Missions Movement has resulted in some glorious achievements:

1. The facts of missions have been set forth.
2. Much needed information has been given in our people.
3. The cause of world-wide Missions has been promoted.
4. Our gifts to the Cooperative Program have greatly increased.
5. Offerings to World Emergency Relief have multiplied many fold.
6. Volunteers for our Mission fields have been secured.
7. The spiritual life of our members has been deepened.

Regarding Missions today, Dr. Lattourett says truly:
Missions must be continued;
Retrenchment must cease;
Reinforcements must be sent;
Adequate funds must be secured.

Some states have undertaken to hold Schools of Missions in every Association in the state and the schools already held have achieved most gratifying results. Many missionaries on enforced furlough are available at this time for this kind of work.

We, therefore, urgently recommend that Schools of Missions be conducted in every Association in every state as early as possible.

The Southwide and State organizations, together with our denominational press, are urgently requested to cooperate in this great movement.