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Resolution On Beverage Alcohol

WHEREAS, beverage alcohol affects human conduct and behavior, and is involved in home and highway tragedies, and is a principal ingredient in a large percentage of divorces and crimes, and is the basic ingredient of alcoholism, which affects directly or indirectly 15 percent of the United States’ population, and

WHEREAS, the liquor traffic is making, advertising, and selling more than $10,000,000,000 worth of its damaging products annually, without regard to physical, moral, or social damage to the people of the United States, and

WHEREAS, this Convention is concerned for the sanctity of the American home, and the spiritual growth of the nation, and is convinced that no good can come from the moderate or excessive use of alcoholic beverages, be it therefore resolved that we urge the churches:

(1) To educate all members concerning the effects of alcohol on health, personality, and behavior, and on home and society;
(2) To continue to promote personal abstinence from all alcoholic beverages as the Christian way;
(3) To support wise legislation at local, state, and national levels to eliminate the traffic in alcoholic beverages;
(4) To support wise national legislation: to ban liquor advertising and beer-casting; to ban the serving of alcoholic beverages on airlines; to call for an investigation of the results of the sale and use of alcoholic beverages in the armed services at home and overseas; to seek studies by the U.S. Public Health service looking toward prevention of alcoholism and rehabilitation of alcoholics;
(5) To remain alert to discover, expose, and in every way possible counteract the efforts of the liquor industry to exert pressure by threat or favor upon the lawmakers of our land;
(6) To encourage and support the program of the National Temperance League and its 44 state affiliated organizations as they seek to bring about a united church approach to the problems of alcohol in our nation; and further,

Be it RESOLVED, that we commend the Christian Life Commission and the Baptist Sunday School Board for the coordination of their efforts in the initiation of Alcohol Education Week, while expressing the hope that they will continue to provide adequate and effective leadership in the field of temperance.