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Resolution On Baptist Bookstores

WHEREAS, The removal of the branch houses of the American Baptist Publication Society from the South has left open a great field for the preparation and dissemination of Christian literature of many sorts, especially of the Baptist type; and,

WHEREAS, Somebody is going to occupy this field, more or less, to the advantage of our Baptist interests; and,

WHEREAS, There is no agency, individual or other, so well qualified to occupy it to the satisfaction and profit of our people as is our own Sunday School Board, which has means, experience, business touch with all our churches, Sunday schools, and pastors, knows well the needs of our people and enjoys their confidence and affection; therefore be it resolved:

1. The Board be authorized and urged to enter, at as early date as possible, on the work of supplying the brethren of our churches with books, tracts, hymn and song books, and indeed all supplies for churches, Sunday schools, missionary societies, Young People’s Unions, such as are suitable and desirable.

2. That in the prosecution of this work it enter into the closest possible cooperation, consistent with wise business management, with Baptist book houses in the various States, especially those under control of organized Baptist bodies.

3. That the Board be authorized to seek from the churches, Sunday schools, and other organizations cooperating with this Convention, gifts for its distinctively missionary operations in the matter of colportage, tract distribution, etc.