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Resolution On Appreciation

It has been our good fortune to celebrate our 125th Anniversary in beautiful Denver, Colorado, the “mile high” city where the great central plains and the towering Rocky Mountains meet. There are many to whom we would like to express our sincerest gratitude.

We recognize that the great size of our Convention imposes a burden upon the local citizens. It taxes both hotels and convention facilities, overcrowds the streets and the parking lots, and puts extra burden on the cafes and restaurants. We appreciate their patience and their friendliness, for we have found the people to be cordial hosts.

We especially thank our local Baptist brethren and their churches. We congratulate them on being able to do so much for us, considering that they are fewer in number than those found in most convention cities. We know they will continue to grow in this unusual and enterprising city.

We are grateful too for the cooperation of the press. This year a total of 165 people have registered with the press room. This includes 35 from daily papers and wire services, 42 from Baptist state papers, 30 from radio and television stations and 16 from other religious publications. In addition, 440 radio stations are receiving telephone reports and 125 daily newspapers are getting special releases. The press room staff has worked hard to help these people.

We especially want to thank W. A. Criswell, Lee Porter, and Harper Shannon for their statesmanship in presiding. They have been fair and patient at all times. And we would like also to express to the Committee on Order of Business appreciation for the revised program. It has made this a memorable Convention, one not to be forgotten.

Finally, we would like to express appreciation for all of those people who work for the agencies and who make the Convention attractive and successful. These are the persons who plan, install, and conduct the exhibits, the book store, the press room, the Convention office, and the Convention Bulletin.