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Resolution On Appreciation

Your Committee recommends the following resolution concerning the individuals and groups in Miami, Florida, who have had a part in the entertainment of the Southern Baptist Convention, May 18-21, 1955:

WHEREAS, The Southern Baptist Convention found that its former plan for entertainment of the 1955 Convention could not be carried out as originally planned, and

WHEREAS, The Baptist leaders and city officials of the City of Miami, on short notice, came to our rescue and invited us to meet in their city and use the facilities of their auditorium, and

WHEREAS, C. Roy Angell and his committee on general arrangements have done such a wonderful work in providing for our physical comfort, and the facilities necessary for the work of your Convention, and

WHEREAS, The hotels, the Police Department, and the city officials have been so courteous to the messengers of our Convention, and so co-operative with the leaders of our Convention.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention, in session this twenty-first day of May, 1955, so express our sincere thanks and profound appreciation to Dr. C. Roy Angell, general chairman, and the Committee on Arrangements, to the hotel and motel operators of the City of Miami, Miami Beach, and surrounding territory; to the city officials, the Police Department, and bus and taxi operators; to the Associated Press and local newspapers; and to the Radio and television stations of the city of Miami who have given much time and space reporting the work of our Convention.