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Resolution On Appreciation

Believing that I not only speak my sentiments but the deep gratitude of this Convention I should like to say that we appreciate the privilege of attending the Southern Baptist Convention with the nicest possible entertainment at a price that we pastors of the smaller churches can well afford. The homes, the drink stands, the restaurants, the hotels and the business houses in general have not sought to make an extra nickel off of us.

Memphis has proved that she was glad to have us as her guests.

Even though our president has in a previous session thanked the local committees, I think it would be well for the Convention to express publicly through the two local papers such appreciation.

I move that we ask our secretary to send to the two local papers, the COMMERCIAL APPEAL and the PRESS-SCIMITAR our thanks to the local Baptist Committee, the homes, the hotels, the restaurants, and to all Memphis for their kindness while we were their guests.