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Resolution On Affirming Religious Liberty And Separation Of Church And State

WHEREAS, The United States Constitutional principle of religious liberty has given freedom for expression of the separation of the church and state; and

WHEREAS, This precious principle is under constant attack by those who would serve sectarian purposes; and

WHEREAS, The growth of government poses a constant threat of intrusion upon this indispensible principle; and

WHEREAS, The Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs, the Christian Life Commission, and other agencies are deeply committed to the principles of religious liberty and separation of church and state; and

WHEREAS, These agencies have repeatedly given leadership and assistance to Southern Baptists involved in problems regarding religious liberty and the separation of church and state; and

WHEREAS, The need is evident for continued vigilance and determination to preserve religious liberty;

Be it therefore RESOLVED, That we express our gratitude to the Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs, the Christian Life Commission, and other agencies for their efforts in defending Christian morality and ethics; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we affirm our belief that religion flourishes best without government’s interference or tax support; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we caution schools directly or indirectly connected with this Convention to give serious study to the high price which government usually exacts for its favors; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we call on our people to support the institutions which serve our religious objectives; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we voice our earnest protest against tax proposals which would finance educational and other activities of churches or religious gorups; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That the Southern Baptist Convention, in accordance with and in commitment to the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and to the historic Baptist principle of church and state separation, deplore and reject the arrogation of the right of any group to define and pronounce for all people what is the Christian faith, and to seek through political means to impose this faith upon the American people under a government which is mandated to safeguard and respect the people of all religious and no religion.

Be it finally RESOLVED, That we express our thanks to God for courts which uphold the First Amendment against the enormous pressures of our time.