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Resolution On 50th Anniversary Of The Chaplains Commission

WHEREAS, 1991 marks the 50th anniversary of the Chaplains Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention; and

WHEREAS, The Commission in these 50 years of service has endorsed thousands of Southern Baptist ministers to serve throughout the United States and in 22 foreign countries in military, institutional, health care, business-industrial chaplaincy and in pastoral counseling; and

WHEREAS, Presently more than 2,200 Southern Baptist men and women serve as endorsed chaplains and counselors, including more than 200 Southern Baptist chaplains who were deployed in “Operation Desert Storm”; Now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, June 4-6, 1991 joyfully celebrate this 50th anniversary of Southern Baptist Chaplaincy and express our deep gratitude to God and high appreciation to those who have served so faithfully and effectively and do now serve endorsed and approved by the Chaplains Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention.