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Resolution Of Thanks

We take great joy in voicing our appreciation to the people of San Antonio for the many and most gracious courtesies extended this Convention during these brief and eventful days.

Dr. Perry F. Webb, Chairman of the general committee, and all of his co-laborers and committees, who before our coming and since our arrival have gone to great lengths to provide for our comfort and convenience, have our grateful thanks. The churches have been most hospitable and courteous.

We are grateful to the city administration, the Chamber of Commerce, the citizens and institutions of San Antonio. They have thrown open the gates of the city and offered all its appointments and privileges for our use.

The newspaper, and agencies have provided liberal publicity in the papers. The Associated Press has sent its special representative to cover this meeting in the person of Mr. Dave Cheavens, State Editor for the Associated Press. The Morning Express and the Evening News and the Evening Light are to be commended for their liberal coverage of the Convention in the Daily columns and splendid editorial comments and pictures. The Radios have been most liberal with their time and facilities.

Recognizing the crowded housing conditions in this strategic defense city, we wish especially to commend the hotels and restaurants for their efficient care of these added thousands of visitors.

It is our ardent hope that our coming may have been a blessing to this city, and we shall leave with the prayer in our hearts that this historic community shall have been enriched by our brief stay within its borders.