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Resolution Concerning Officers Of Our Convention

We recommend the following resolution concerning the officers of our Convention:

WHEREAS, Dr. James Wilson Storer has served for two years as the beloved President of the Southern Baptist Convention, and

WHEREAS, Homer Gentry Lindsay and Oliver Rebhan Shields as Vice-Presidents, James White Merritt and Joe Wright Burton, as Secretaries, and Porter Wroe Routh, as Treasurer, have all served this Convention with much thoroughness and devotion.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That this Convention express its genuine appreciation to them by a rising vote of thanks.

Recommendation No. 4

In reference to the resolution presented by George F. Session concerning uniformity of size of tracts and reports published by the various agencies, we recommend that the request contained in the resolution be passed on as a matter of information, and for such consideration as may seem wise to the administrative leaders of the various agencies.