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Resolution Concerning Christian Attitudes In The Modern World

Southern Baptists, meeting here in this cosmopolitan city of more than two million people, are reminded of our responsibility for helping to create better understanding in a pluralistic society. We are aware of many problems that present new challenges to thoughtful believers. We view hopefully and gratefully the signs of growing understanding and respect among all groups.

While the majority of our people are not ecumenically-minded in a structural and organizational sense, nevertheless, we rejoice with others in the present-day signs of a growing spirit of respect and goodwill among many religious bodies. We believe that it is the will of Christ that all who believe on him should be of one accord in spirit.

We also extend our goodwill and love to non-Christian bodies and pledge ourselves anew to the defense of full religious liberty for each of them as we claim it for ourselves in every part of the world. While differing in beliefs we recognize the sincerity of the millions who adhere to non-Christian religious views, and we would urge each and every one of our 10 3/4 million Southern Baptists to exercise understanding toward all to refrain from undue criticism of any, while steadfastly holding to the truth of Christ as revealed in the New Testament.

We feel that our commitment to the lordship of Christ requires us to demonstrate our love and concern for all others. We find considerable encouragement to believe that the whole world may derive benefit from the fresh winds that give some promise of religious freedom for all religious bodies in all parts of the world.