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Resolution Concerning “christ In Industry”

We as Baptists are keenly interested in promoting the Kingdom in every way possible. We are particularly anxious for our people to know and show daily a living faith. Many of our laymen have already demonstrated unusual zeal in promoting daily devotional meetings in the shops or business where they work.

From these meetings have come the salvation of souls, the strengthening of convictions, the deepening of spiritual life, more harmonious relationships–both among employees and between employer and employees, and a new appreciation for and honor to the name of our Saviour. Such meetings can challenge and use many who could not be reached in any other way.

Believing that such activities should be encouraged and that they should be promoted by our laymen in as large a way as possible,


1. That we commend our laymen who have already launched such “on the job” daily devotional meetings; and

2. That we urge other laymen to accept the responsibility of promoting such daily, devotional services “on the job” where they work; and

3. That we request the Christian Life Commission, the Brotherhood, and the editors of appropriate periodicals to call attention to this needed ministry that laymen can render and give assistance through publication of testimonials, pictures, suggestions for procedure, etc., and continue to give such emphasis periodically; and

4. That the Christian Life Commission and the Committee on Denominational Calendar give consideration to the possibility of a special season in which to draw attention of all our people to this ministry.

Submitted by Stanley E. Wilkes (Tex.) and G. V. Doyle (Tex.)