That this Convention express its gratitude to our publicity director, Bro. Walter M. Gilmore, for his service in furnishing information through the Convention Bulletin and assisting the editors of the State Baptist papers to secure the information and proceedings of this Convention that same may be placed before our people of the South.
RESOLVED, That this Convention look with favor upon the recognition and observance of Layman’s Missionary Sunday in November.
RESOLVED, That committee be appointed to represent the Convention to confer with committees from W.M.U. and Foreign Mission Board to work and plan for some worthy celebration of the China centennial.
The result of this Conference to be reported to the Executive Committee of the Convention.
RESOLVED, That the Southern Baptist Convention in session at Memphis, May 16, 1935, hears with pleasure of the proposed visit to America during 1936 of that great Japanese Christian, Toyohiko Kagawa.
RESOVLED, That the Secretary of this Convention be instructed to convey the most cordial invitation of this Convention to visit the next session of the Convention when assembled in St. Louis.
RESOVLED, That the Committee on Order of Business be instructed to provide a place on the program for this brother to address the Convention.