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Resoltuon On Church Aid

WHEREAS, The religious situation at Hot Springs, Arkansas, is every way unique and important;

AND WHEREAS, Neither the churches there nor the State Convention is able to provide for the peculiar requirements of the case;

AND, WHEREAS, An appeal for help in the matter of erecting a house of worship there suitable to the great necessities, comes up from the First Baptist Church there, and is endorsed by leading men of that State and thoughtful brethren of other States;

THEREFORE, RESOLVED, That this Convention commends this whole matter to the Home Board, at Atlanta, as worthy of their consideration.

And if after due examination of all the facts and merits of the case, the wisdom of extending help is made clear to them, then it is the object of this resolution to give them freedom to exercise such liberality in appropriation as accords with their judgment, and the resources at their command.