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Report Of Committee On Temperance

WHEREAS, The excessive use of alcoholic liquors is productive of great evil to individuals, communities and States, and especially endangering our youth, leads to outrageous crimes in every locality, attacks the works and purposes of the Church of God, deprives the innocent, and frequently needy, of the necessaries of life, and spreads sorrow and woe in its track; and

WHEREAS, The liquor interests of the country of all classes are in sympathy with each other, and have made and are making such combinations as they deem most potent for their success, it becomes a necessity for the lovers of morals, good society, religion and peace, not only to give expression of their opinion, but to co-operate as far as possible, not only to check this dangerous element in our land, but to prohibit its manufacture and use as a beverage; therefore,

RESOLVED, That as representatives of the great Baptist brotherhood of the South in convention assembled, we do solemnly protest against the manufacture and sale of ardent spirits as a beverage, and will use our influence in every proper and legitimate way for its suppression and prohibition.

RESOLVED, That, disclaiming all intention of giving to this report any political signification, we express our sympathy with friends of prohibition in the States of Tennessee and Texas in their present efforts to overthrow this evil in their respective commonwealths, and with our prayers, influence and efforts will do all we can to give them success.

RESOLVED, That we extend to all societies, religious denominations and friends, who are endeavoring to stay the tide of intemperance and crime in the land, our most hearty sympathy, and assure them that in us they have most earnest co-workers in this noble movement for God and humanity.