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Part Of American Bible Society Report

The Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention in session at Nashville, Tennessee, June 14, 1945, on motion of Dr. Louie D. Newton, Atlanta, Georgia, adopted this resolution and directed that it be printed following the American Bible Society Report in the 1945 Southern Baptist Annual:

Having received, on behalf of the Convention, the above report as information for our people, the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention reaffirms the former expressions of appreciation of the work of the American Bible Society, and fraternally urges the increased support of our people in the essentially unique and vital ministry of this cherished Society in printing and distributing the Holy Scriptures throughout the world. We wish further to commend the splendid service of Mr. Thomas T. Holloway as the Field Secretary of the Society, and to assure him and all the executives of the Society of our continuing prayers for the favor of our Lord upon their work.


Louie D. Newton read the following resolution with reference to the American Bible Society, which was adopted:

WHEREAS, We believe that a nationwide emphasis on Bible reading is vitally needed in America today and that thoughtful reading of the Word of God will not only bring faith, hope, and courage to millions of people now tortured by doubt, uncertainty and fear, but such reading will also effectively serve to repair the moral character and spiritual ideals which form the necessary foundation for enduring democracy, and

WHEREAS, The hundreds of thousands of men and women in the Armed Forces and the multitudes at home who are turning to the Word of God now as never before, indicate that the time is ripe to magnify the place of the Bible in American life,

(1) We commend the program now being developed by the American Bible Society for a great Nationwide Bible Reading from Thanksgiving to Christmas, in which the people at home and the members of the Armed Forces will join in the reading, one each day, of passages selected by a nationwide poll of pastors and chaplains as being most helpful for times like these.
(2) Recognizing that the encouragement towards daily Bible reading which many people will receive from such a nationwide emphasis, will thereby facilitate our enlistment of these people in the long-established regular program of daily Bible reading in our various organizations, which programs we seek constantly to magnify and strengthen, we urge that our churches and all organizations of our denominational life shall make this special emphasis an integral part of our own program.
(3) We request that our pastors, editors of publications and all general denominational leaders shall in every way possible give their aid to this nationwide emphasis on Bible reading which can be counted upon to create a spiritual bond between members of the Armed Services and the people at home that will be full of meaning for many families and make a priceless contribution to their hope and faith.