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On Needed Care and Support for Pastors and Ministry Leaders

WHEREAS, Scripture describes the significant internal and external struggles of spiritual leaders as they faithfully fulfill their callings (Numbers 11:1-3; 1 Kings 19:1-8; Matthew 26:36-46; 2 Corinthians 1:3-7); and

WHEREAS, Faithful servants of God expressed their struggles to God and one another (Psalm 13:1-6, 56:8; Jonah 4:3; Romans 7:14-25); and

WHEREAS, Ministering to those who lead God’s people honors the Lord (Philippians 2:25; Hebrews 13:17); and

WHEREAS, In recent years, pastors and other ministry leaders have encountered difficult, unique, and multifaceted challenges as they sought to fulfill their ministry callings and assignments; and

WHEREAS, The reality of internal struggles among spiritual leaders has reached a critical point, with current research indicating that 42% of pastors are thinking of leaving the ministry in the next year, 80% believe pastoral ministry has negatively affected their families, 75% of pastors have reported a significant stress-related crisis at least once in their ministry, and 70% of pastors do not have someone they consider to be a close friend; and 

WHEREAS, The spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional well-being of pastors and other ministry leaders helps them lead God’s people faithfully; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, June 13-14, 2023, affirm the importance of godly relationships, counseling, rest, and recreation that contributes to the overall wellness of pastors and other ministry leaders; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we commend the kingdom work being done by local associations, state conventions, and denominational entities to provide care for pastors and other ministry leaders; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we encourage pastors and other ministry leaders not to bear their burdens in isolation, but to seek help when needed—both for their own sakes and for the good of those to whom they are called to minister; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we exhort churches and ministries to encourage spiritual leaders in need of care to seek help, and neither ignore nor stigmatize the internal and external struggles of ministry leaders; and be it finally  

RESOLVED, That we commit to labor together to promote a culture of holistic flourishing among our pastors and other ministry leaders in our local churches, our local associations and state conventions, and our denominational entities.