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On 200 Years Of Baptist Ministry In Louisiana

WHEREAS, The year 2012, the bicentennial of the state of Louisiana, also marks the 200th anniversary of the first Baptist churches in Louisiana; and

WHEREAS, God has prospered Baptist work in Louisiana, where Southern Baptists have 1,600 congregations, a Baptist college, a children’s home, transitional housing for women and children, forty-one local associations, the Louisiana Baptist Convention, and numerous other ministries; and

WHEREAS, Southern Baptists in Louisiana across the decades have faithfully supported the work of Southern Baptists around the world with their prayers, their participation, and their financial contributions; and

WHEREAS, The New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, one of six Southern Baptist seminaries, continues to thrive in Louisiana, even after the devastating damage of Hurricane Katrina; and

WHEREAS, Louisiana Baptists are marking their bicentennial with the emphasis “Awaken,” a call for spiritual awakening in the churches and the culture; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, June 19–20, 2012, thank God for His blessings on and through Louisiana Baptists for these two centuries; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we congratulate and celebrate with Louisiana Baptists on the occasion of their bicentennial; and be it finally

RESOLVED, That we encourage and pray for Louisiana Baptists as they seek the Lord’s face for spiritual awakening.