The Administration Committee of the Executive Committee of the Georgia Baptist Convention brings the following memorial to the Southern Baptist Convention.
Believing that the time is propitious for a re-education of our young people as to the evil effects of intemperance and the beneficial effects of temperance, we recommend:
First: That the Southern Baptist Convention request the Sunday School Board to enter into such campaign, through all its widespread agencies, along the following lines:
1. The preparation of short tracts for general distribution, giving the fundamental facts as to the injury that comes from the use of strong drink and also the history of its deadly course.
2. The use in each of the Sunday School Board’s publications of a page, or at least a paragraph, for the statement of such facts.
3. That the program of every Sunday school, Baptist Young People’s Union and Baptist Students’ Union meeting include one address which shall teach temperance and its benefits.
Second: That the Southern Baptist Convention request all of the Baptist papers of the South to join in a persistent and determined campaign of education and enlightenment on this subject.
Third: That the Southern Baptist Convention suggest to each State Convention and District Association that time be given in the meetings of these bodies for a proper emphasis of this subject.
2. That we commend and applaud the courageous action of Governor Emmerson of Illinois, vetoing the bill enacted by the legislature of that state repealing the state’s prohibition enforcement act, and the fine and righteous sentiment which he expressed, as quoted by the press, in explanation of his veto, when he said:
“I am not for nullification. Destructive principles which do not protect the lives and homes of all of our citizens will not afford a solution of the liquor problem.”
2. In view of the several well-financed wet organizations now seeking to destroy our prohibition laws, we commend the practical work and urge the support of the Anti-Saloon League and the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union for their basic, wholesome influence in encouraging Christian patriotism and personal and national sobriety.