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Appreciation Of Retiring President

We wish to express the gratitude of this Convention to our retiring President, Dr. L. R. Scarborough, for his untiring services in behalf of our beloved denomination. Also for the beautiful spirit and efficient manner in which he has presided over all sessions of the Convention.


WHEREAS, The messengers to this Convention have been greatly helped by the daily distribution of the Convention Bulletin, and

WHEREAS, Brother Walter M. Gilmore has directed this phase of our Convention program with such efficiency in order to give an accurate summary of the daily proceedings, giving much time day and night to the preparation of this Bulletin, and

WHEREAS, As Publicity Director of the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention he has rendered such vital service to the Editors of the denominational papers by furnishing to them copies of the digests of reports and addresses delivered before this Convention, and other valuable material, making it possible for them to pass on to their readers better accounts and more accurate information concerning the proceedings of the Convention.

BE IT RESOLVED, That the messengers do hereby express to Brother Gilmore, and his efficient helpers, our deep and abiding gratitude.