The 2020 Ministry Report is the compilation of SBC entity responses to questions, and related reports, presented in separate groupings. These groupings are: President’s letter, Ministry Inquiries, Ministry Goals and Accomplishments, and Financial Statements. Each seminary includes an additional report; Seminary Formula and ATS Report. A Mid-Year Ministry Update will be posted in July of 2020 for each entity.
Executive Commitee

The Executive Committee is to act for the Southern Baptist Convention ad interim, or between sessions. It reviews the work of the Convention’s entities. This Committee itself is subject to the review of the Convention. The Executive Committee is also assigned program responsibilities: 1) for Cooperative Program promotion, 2) managing the Southern Baptist Foundation, which manages proceeds from wills, bequests and other investments, 3) operating Baptist Press, the SBC news service, and 4) providing a convention relations office, which articulates Southern Baptist positions to constituents and to the public through the media as well as producing SBC LIFE newsmagazine.
Ministry Statements
Ministry Reports
Audit Report
International Mission Board

The International Mission Board exists to assist the churches of the Southern Baptist Convention to be on mission with God in penetrating the unevangelized world outside the United States and Canada with the gospel and making Christ known among all people. The 2020 International Mission Board Ministry Report is the compilation of IMB’s response to questions, and related reports, and is presented in four separate groupings. These groupings are: President’s letter, Ministry Inquiries, Ministry Goals and Accomplishments, and Financial Statements. 50.41% of the 2019/2020 Cooperative Program Budget (National CP Dollars) is allocated to the International Mission Board.
Ministry Inquiries
Ministry Statements
Goals & Accomplishments
Financial Management
Audit Report
North American Mission Board

The North American Mission Board exists to work with churches, associations and state conventions in mobilizing Southern Baptists as a missional force to impact North America with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through evangelism and church planting. The 2020 North American Mission Board Ministry Report is the compilation of NAMB’s response to questions, and related reports, and is presented in four separate groupings. These groupings are: President’s letter, Ministry Inquiries, Ministry Goals and Accomplishments, and Financial Statements. 22.79% of the 2019/2020 Cooperative Program Budget (National CP Dollars) is allocated to the North American Mission Board.
Ministry Inquiries
Ministry Statements
Goals & Accomplishments
Financial Management
Audit Report
GuideStone Financial Resources

GuideStone Financial Resources exists to assist the churches, denominational entities, and other evangelical ministry organizations by making available retirement plan services, life and health coverage, risk management programs, and personal and institutional investment programs. The 2020 GuideStone Financial Resources Ministry Report is the compilation of GuideStone’s response to questions, and related reports, and is presented in three separate groupings. These groupings are: President’s letter, Ministry Inquiries, and Financial Management. GuideStone does not receive Cooperative Program dollars.
Ministry Inquiries
Ministry Statements
Goals & Accomplishments
Financial Management
Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission exists to assist the churches by helping them understand the moral demands of the gospel, apply Christian principles to moral and social problems and questions of public policy, and to promote religious liberty in cooperation with the churches and other Southern Baptist entities. The 2020 Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission Ministry Report is the compilation of ERLC’s response to questions, and related reports, and is presented in four separate groupings. These groupings are: President’s letter, Ministry Inquiries, Ministry Goals and Accomplishments, and Financial Management. 1.65% of the 2019/2020 Cooperative Program Budget (National CP Dollars) is allocated to ERLC.
Ministry Inquiries
Ministry Statements
Goals & Accomplishments
Financial Management
Audit Report
LifeWay Christian Resources

LifeWay Christian Resources exists to provide individuals and churches biblical solutions for life. LifeWay invests a significant amount in Southern Baptist missions and ministries worldwide even though they do not receive Cooperative Program funds. The 2020 LifeWay Ministry Report is the compilation of LifeWay’s response to questions, and related reports, and is presented in three separate groupings. These groupings are: President’s letter, Ministry Inquiries, and Ministry Goals and Accomplishments.
Ministry Inquiries
Ministry Statements
Goals & Accomplishments
Audit Report
Council of Seminary Presidents
Ministry Inquiries
Ministry Statements
Goals & Accomplishments
Seminary Formula
Gateway Seminary of the Southern Baptist Convention

Our mission: Shaping leaders who expand God's kingdom around the world. We are a graduate theological school of the Southern Baptist Convention. We are accredited by the Association of Theological Schools and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. As a Southern Baptist seminary, we teach in accordance with and not contrary to the Baptist Faith & Message 2000. Southern Baptists support Gateway Seminary of the Southern Baptist Convention through the Cooperative Program, whose purpose is to fund Southern Baptist Convention ministries by securing, coordinating and apportioning financial offerings from multiple churches. The 2020 Gateway Seminary Ministry Report is the compilation of GGBTS’s response to questions, and related reports, and is presented in five separate groupings. These groupings are: President’s letter, Ministry Inquiries, Ministry Goals and Accomplishments, Seminary Formula and ATS Report. A seminary formula, based upon FTEs (a seminary enrollment equation), determines the portion that GGBTS receives from the 22.16% of the 2019/2020 Cooperative Program Budget (National CP Dollars) allocated to six Southern Baptist seminaries.
Ministry Inquiries
Ministry Statements
Goals & Accomplishments
Seminary Formula
ATS Report
Audit Report
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

The core values of Midwestern Seminary consist of the ideologies of Veritas (Truth) – “Knowing,” Pietas (Devotion) – “Being,” and Missio (Evangelism) – “Doing.” These values are based on a thoughtful process of first knowing God’s truth; then being and becoming a thoughtful, committed disciple; and finally, taking the great truths and putting them into practice for the sake of the Kingdom. Upon the founding of the seminary in 1957, Midwestern Seminary’s trustees declared that the seminary would adopt, as its own, the Baptist Faith and Message, which had been adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 1925. The SBC ratified a revised Baptist Faith and Message statement in 1963, and most recently the Baptist Faith and Message was amended in 2000. Midwestern affirmed that statement, and it continues to constitute the seminary’s own statement of faith. The 2020 Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Ministry Report is the compilation of MWBTS’s response to questions, and related reports, and is presented in five separate groupings. These groupings are: President’s letter, Ministry Inquiries, Ministry Goals and Accomplishments, Seminary Formula and ATS Report. A seminary formula, based upon FTEs (a seminary enrollment equation), is used to determine the portion that MWBTS receives from the 22.16% of the 2019/2020 Cooperative Program Budget (National CP Dollars) allocated to six Southern Baptist seminaries.
Ministry Inquiries
Ministry Statements
Goals & Accomplishments
Seminary Formula
ATS Report
Audit Report
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

The mission of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary is to equip leaders to fulfill the Great Commission and the Great Commandments through the local church and its ministries. New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary was founded in 1917 by an act of the Southern Baptist Convention at their annual meeting that year in New Orleans. Originally named "Baptist Bible Institute," New Orleans Seminary was the first theological institution to be created by direct action of the Southern Baptist Convention. It was originally created as an undergraduate institution modeled after Moody Bible Institute. Gradually, the school began to move toward graduate level training, and in 1946 the Convention renamed the institution "New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary." The 2020 New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary Ministry Report is the compilation of NOBTS’s response to questions, and related reports, and is presented in five separate groupings. These groupings are: President’s letter, Ministry Inquiries, Ministry Goals and Accomplishments, Seminary Formula and ATS Report. A seminary formula, based upon FTEs (a seminary enrollment equation), is used to determine the portion that NOBTS receives from the 22.16% of the 2019/2020 Cooperative Program Budget (National CP Dollars) allocated to six Southern Baptist seminaries.
Ministry Inquiries
Ministry Statements
Goals & Accomplishments
Seminary Formula
ATS Report
Audit Report
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by equipping students to serve the church and fulfill the Great Commission. Southeastern is an institution of higher learning and a Cooperative Program ministry of the Southern Baptist Convention. Southeastern affirms the Bible as the authoritative Word of God. We covenant to teach in accordance with and not contrary to the Abstract of Principles and the Baptist Faith and Message. We further affirm the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy and the Danvers Statement on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. The 2020 Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary Ministry Report is the compilation of SEBTS’s response to questions, and related reports, and is presented in five separate groupings. These groupings are: President’s letter, Ministry Inquiries, Ministry Goals and Accomplishments, Seminary Formula and ATS Report. A seminary formula, based upon FTEs (a seminary enrollment equation), is used to determine the portion that SEBTS receives from the 22.16% of the 2019/2020 Cooperative Program Budget (National CP Dollars) allocated to six Southern Baptist seminaries.
Ministry Inquiries
Ministry Statements
Goals & Accomplishments
Seminary Formula
ATS Report
Audit Report
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the mission of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary is to be totally committed to the Bible as the Word of God, to the Great Commission as our mandate, and to be a servant of the churches of the Southern Baptist Convention by training, educating, and preparing ministers of the gospel for more faithful service. Southern Seminary’s faithfulness is demonstrated in the fact that the students who come here leave with an ever-greater passion for the gospel. They leave with even deeper foundations in the faith, and they leave with an even greater sense of calling to go out into the world. The 2020 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Ministry Report is the compilation of SBTS’s response to questions, and related reports, and is presented in five separate groupings. These groupings are: President’s letter, Ministry Inquiries, Ministry Goals and Accomplishments, Seminary Formula and ATS Report. A seminary formula, based upon FTEs (a seminary enrollment equation), is used to determine the portion that SBTS receives from the 22.16% of the 2019/2020 Cooperative Program Budget (National CP Dollars) allocated to six Southern Baptist seminaries.
Ministry Inquiries
Ministry Statements
Goals & Accomplishments
Seminary Formula
ATS Report
Audit Report
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) exists to equip God-called men and women for a lifetime of ministry that fulfills the Great Commission and glorifies God. Southwestern Seminary was chartered March 14, 1908, in Waco, Texas, and moved to its current location on Seminary Hill in Fort Worth in 1910. From its inception, Southwestern Seminary has sought to combine the highest standards of research and scholarship with vigorous training in the practical areas of ministry, including evangelism and missions, preaching and pastoral ministry, and worship and educational ministries. The more than 46,000 graduates of Southwestern Seminary serve in numerous and varied ministries across the Southern Baptist Convention and its churches, as well as on mission fields around the world. The seminary has had nine presidents, beginning with B.H. Carroll. Adam W. Greenway was elected as the ninth president of The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary on February 27, 2019.