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Wes Blakely

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Sports were a huge part of International Mission Board worker Wes Blakely’s world. Now, sports play just as big a part in his ministry on the mission field.

Blakely has been coaching sports in a school and a few clubs in Central Asia. Through this, he’s seen people become curious about Christianity and some even turn to Jesus. But Blakely couldn’t foresee the far reach of his ministry.

Desiring better performances after the latest Olympics, government leaders extended an invitation for Blakely and friends in the U.S. to bring their expertise in athletics and training. They’d be given influence over thousands of coaches.

Blakely never hides the fact that he is a Christian and that his faith shapes what he teaches and how he coaches.

He shares that sports, coaching, athletics – all of it – should be seen from a biblical worldview. Most importantly, as with everything in life, it should all be used for God’s glory.

“We were praying for the Lord to use sports to influence people, but we had no idea that this door was going to be opened. We realized, ‘Okay God, you are way bigger than we realize, and you’re seeking to reach this whole society.’”

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Pray for God to bring people to himself in mighty ways through this Christ-centered sports ministry.

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