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Robert & Karen Pinkston

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Today for our prayer time, we’re going to Canada. Two of our
missionaries, Robert and Sharon Pinkston, serve there, in. Quebec.
That’s a province, sort of like one of our states. That’s where most
of Canada’s eight million French-speakers live. Folks, most of them
are lost! Only about 40,000 of those eight million are followers of
Christ. Hundreds of towns in Quebec have no Christian church
of any kind.

We have sent Robert and Sharon into a huge, challenging
mission field! Our church is supporting them financially through
our Cooperative Program giving. But clearly they need our prayer
support as well.

Many people in Quebec would respond to the gospel if they could
just hear it, Robert says. Plus, he says the people are searching
for solutions to fill their spiritually empty hearts. Many Canadians
who hear the gospel for the first time say, “That’s exactly what
I’ve been looking for!”

Let’s pray that Robert and Sharon can plant many new churches
that will share the gospel. Let’s ask God to call out hundreds more
missionaries for Canada. Let’s ask God to move in Southern Baptist
hearts and increase their missions giving to send them.