Today in our missionary prayer time, we’re going to pray for two
of our missionaries who serve in Latvia. That’s a small country
in Eastern Europe that sits next to Russia and south of Finland.
About two million people live in the country and about half of
them speak Russian. Those Russian speakers are the ones our
missionaries, Randy and Angela Stoda, are working to reach
for Christ. Our church supports Randy and Angela through our
Cooperative Program giving.
If you ask Russian-speaking Latvians about religion, they usually
answer that they are Russian Orthodox. But few ever attend church
and most have never truly heard the gospel.
Randy and Angela have started a discussion group in their home
that invites people to talk about the Christian faith, including how
to be saved. Today, let’s pray that hundreds – even thousands –
would gather to learn what the Bible teaches about Jesus Christ.
Let’s pray that Randy and Angela will find ways to teach Bible
truths that will lead many people in Latvia to salvation through
Christ. Let’s pray they will be able to start Bible-believing churches
across the land.