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Noah and Tarin Madden

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In 2022, Life Community Church sent the Maddens to Weymouth, Massachusetts, to start a church just 16 miles south of Boston.

Noah says Greater Boston faces a significant amount of hopelessness and drug addiction. God is using the Maddens to bring hope and healing to the community.

When the couple first came to Weymouth, they met Eric, who had struggled through addictions. God not only saved Eric, but also transformed him into a leader in the new church. Today, Eric is leading the church’s recovery ministry and helping others give their lives to Jesus and overcome addictions.

The Cooperative Program takes the Gospel to the nations and the neighborhoods. Your support through the Cooperative Program helped Noah graduate from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary debt-free, so he could begin serving Jesus as one of our church’s missionaries in New England.

Pray that God continues to draw the people of Weymouth to Himself and uses the Maddens to help them grow as committed disciples.