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Nancy Potter

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For years, International Mission Board worker Nancy Potter had traveled to teach healthcare classes in an impoverished Muslim village in Southeast Asia where Sela and her husband, Sok, live. But on this visit, Potter’s care and concern led to the couple becoming Christians.

One morning, Sela stumbled and spilled a pot of boiling water over her baby. She had no one to call for help because her village is hours away from the nearest hospital.

But when Potter came that same day, she was able to rush Sela and her baby to a clinic where the burns could be treated. This clinic is run by Christian believers.

Sela and Sok were amazed that Christians would care for them. As they learned more about the gospel, they began having dreams about Jesus and both put their faith in Christ

“It’s pretty amazing to see how God has prepared the way,” Nancy said.

The Potters have been working with local believers to engage this Muslim people group for approximately five years and are just beginning to see outreach efforts bear fruit.

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Pray that God would continue to bring fruit from Nancy’s team’s efforts despite the challenges they face on the mission field.

Some names may be changed for security reasons.