If you know anything about Utah, you know that’s the home of the
Mormons, a group that claims to be Christian, yet holds many un-Christian beliefs.
Their headquarters is in Salt Lake City, and that’s where the
missionaries are we want to pray for today: Luis and Beatriz Soto.
The Sotos are Hispanic and they have planted a church in the West
Valley section of Salt Lake City that is reaching Hispanics for Christ.
They call it Rock of the Centuries Baptist Church. Their building is
about halfway between the Utah State Capitol building downtown
and the airport.
It’s estimated that 98 percent of the people here are lost and without
Christ. Luis knows this. That’s why he’s always looking for members
strong in faith who he can send to other communities to start new
churches. Many of the Hispanics work two or more jobs to survive,
so those who tackle such ministries are serious about their faith.
Today in our prayer time let’s pray for Luis and Beatriz, two of our
missionaries our church supports through our Cooperative Program
Let’s ask God to strengthen their church as they plant more new ones.