IMB workers Justin and Camille Franssen*, partner with a church, an American businessman, and an Iranian believer named Dana to minister in Southeast Asia to refugees waiting to be resettled. These refugees are primarily Afghanis and Iranians, but there are Somalian, Sudanese, and Ethiopian small groups as well.
The beauty and effectiveness of the Franssens and Dana’s evangelism ministry is that it is done in community, as opposed to more traditional models of one-on-one evangelism. Many Middle Eastern and African cultures are communal, so learning in a close-knit group is highly effective.
Of the roughly 7,000 Afghani refugees in the area, the Franssens estimate that 500 have committed their lives to Christ in the past five years through the ministry of local and international churches, Christian ministries, and outreach by IMB workers and national partners.
THE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM is the financial fuel for reaching every person for Jesus Christ in every town, every city, every state, and every nation. Your support through the Cooperative Program allows missionaries like the Franssens the opportunity to bring the hope of Jesus to a world that feels hopeless.
PRAY for the Franssens and their partners continued work among refugees in Southeast Asia.
*names changed for security
For more about this story visit: https://www.imb.org/2020/11/17/refugees-southeast-asia-find-home-christian-community/