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Joshua Mark & Lauren Benderman

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Today we’re going to pray for one of our missionary
couples serving in the Middle East, so we will
not use their real names, or say exactly where
they serve. That’s because, as we all understand, they
are in a dangerous place. We’ll call them Joshua Mark
and Lauren. Our church supports them through the
Cooperative Program.

Think for a moment what YOU would do if you were sent
to the Middle East to a place were there were literally
millions of refugees from Syria. We have seen the news
about how awful the war has been in Syria and how
people have suffered. More than five million Syrians
have left their home country to escape the violence.

That’s the bad news and the big challenge. Now, here’s
the good part. Local evangelists had been visiting the
Muslim refugees and more than 100 of those refugees
have become Christians. Praise the Lord, right? Joshua
Mark presented the workers a vision right out of the
Bible – first comes a commitment to Christ, then comes
discipleship and then comes the sharing of faith.

The local leaders agreed. Now, more than 300 Syrian
refugees and local Christians have been trained on how
to share their faith with more refugees. It might be that
in later years this movement could have a much greater
impact on Syria – and maybe the Middle East – than
all the wars and fighting of recent years.

Aren’t you glad our church has had a part in this? This is
the positive news we won’t see on TV! Let’s pray now that
the hundreds of believers will soon become thousands!