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Jim & Theresa Flora

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Our missionaries Jim and Teresa Flora have served 11 years
in Africa, in the nation of Lesotho. That’s a separate country,
but it is completely surrounded by South Africa. All Lesotho is
mountainous and high altitude. It’s hard to get around; the dirt
roads are sometimes not passable.

More than 2 million people live in Lesotho and almost all of them
need to hear the gospel. Most people are poor, but the blue jeans
you wear may have been sewn here in a factory.

Jim and Flora bring in teams of volunteers from Southern Baptist
churches in the United States to help them. Flora is a nurse, so
they often bring in medical teams to hold clinics. Partnerships with
Southern Baptists are vital to their work.

Our own church is also partnering with Jim and Teresa, because
we support them through our Cooperative Program giving.

Over the past 11 years, hundreds of people have come to faith in
Christ, mostly because they hear the Bible stories Jim and Teresa
tell to all who will listen.

Today, let’s pray for these brave missionaries, who live in a hard
place so people will know Christ.