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David & Regina White

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Today for our prayer time we are going to leave the United States and
head south to Guatemala, a small country that is just south of Mexico. We
are going to pray for David and Regina White, two of our missionaries
serving there.

Our church supports them through our Cooperative Program giving.

Every year, teams of short-term volunteers come from Southern Baptist
churches here in the United States to serve in Guatemala. David and
Regina help the volunteers have places to stay and set up witnessing
visits and training conferences.

A while back, David and Regina enlisted a man named Miguel as translator.
He spoke English well, but he was not comfortable talking about Jesus.
Still, Miguel translated for teams over and over as the Americans shared
the gospel and trained local believers in many ways.

Over time, Miguel was discipled! He grew strong in his faith and began
ministering with passion and commitment.

Let’s pray now and ask God to bless our missionaries, David and Regina,
in their ministry down in Guatemala.

Let’s pray that many will become committed followers of Christ like Miguel.