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David & Kelly Gregory

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Today we’re going to pray for two of our missionaries
who serve in a Muslim country in Central Asia. So
you can understand why we will not use their real
names or even say specifically where they serve. It is
risky to be a missionary where they are.

We’ll call them David and Kelly – we call them OUR
missionaries because our church’s Cooperative Program
contributions help support them. Of course they are
doing many things to get the Gospel out in the city
where they live. But today we’re going to focus on one
conversation they had with a Muslim man named Tamar
and his wife, Nadia. We must say here that Tamar is Deaf.
Now the two ladies, Kelly and Nadia, were friends
and talked often. But Tamar had no interest in these
Americans and kept his distance. One day after a Muslim
service, David had tea with Tamar and a group of Deaf
men. They talked in sign language about this and that,
but then they talked about faith. David said he prays
regularly for Tamar. This was stunning news for Tamar!
David thought enough about him to pray for him! Tamar
was greatly moved.

Now Tamar considers David a friend. He has not yet
given his life to Christ, but over time, let’s pray that
salvation will come to Tamar, his wife, Nadia, and many,
many others there where David and Kelly are serving.

Let’s pray now about that.