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Dave & Mary Elliff

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Seattle has earned the reputation of being one of the United States’ more progressive cities, a badge many residents wear proudly. This reality has made planting Bible-believing churches more difficult, but it is a challenge Dave and Mary Elliff have embraced.

The population of Seattle seems to celebrate every lifestyle but a Christ-centered one, and God gave the Elliffs a burden for people to see how the Gospel brings life transformation. Their recent church plant is making an impact in their community.

Every day, the Elliffs witness a different, tangible representation of the need to share the hope of the Gospel in the city and so they continue to proclaim the name of Jesus through both word and deed.

THE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM is the financial fuel for reaching every person for Jesus Christ in every town, every city, every state, and every nation. Your support through the Cooperative Program provides an anchor for churches like the Elliffs’ so that they can reach their city for Jesus.

PRAY that the Elliffs will remain encouraged in their work of proclaiming the Gospel in Seattle and that people will come to know Jesus as Savior.