Chris and Libby Philips arrived in Denver, Colorado, with a passion for reaching out to men and women who struggle to believe in Jesus.
They moved into an area of the city that is highly educated with many residents having advanced degrees. But despite the worldly success they may have had, these people still need a saving faith in Jesus Christ. People from around the world reside in this mile-high city, allowing the Philipses’ church to reach a diverse group of people both ethnically and socioeconomically.
THE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM is the financial fuel for reaching every person for Jesus Christ in every town, every city, every state, and every nation. Your support through the Cooperative Program gives communities the opportunity for missionaries like the Philipses to plant churches and reach people from many different backgrounds who may otherwise never hear the Gospel.
PRAY for Chris and Libby to have a fruitful ministry as they reach out to their neighbors. Ask God to give Chris wisdom as he leads the church to proclaim the Gospel effectively to their community.