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Bobby & LaKeisha Williams

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Bobby and LaKeisha Williams have a simple goal—to meet the deep need of New Orleans with the even deeper love of Christ.

The area around the Williamses’ church plant is predominantly African American and low-income. “A lot of what we strive to do is provide resources,” Bobby said. “We try to educate people spiritually, financially, intellectually, you name it.”

That’s how their church—Next Level Church—got its name. They want to see people take their life to the next level starting right where they are. The church provides its neighbors with assistance including health fairs and meal distribution, among other things, all with the goal of creating community and leading others to Jesus.

THE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM (CP) is the financial fuel for reaching every person for Jesus Christ in every town, every city, every state, and every nation. Your support of both CP and THE ANNIE ARMSTRONG EASTER OFFERING is allowing the Williamses the opportunity to make spiritual impacts in their community despite challenges that arise.

PRAY for perseverance for the Williamses as they minister to New Orleans and that the church’s compassion ministries will have continued open doors to share the Gospel.